Aircraft photos in Gdynia-Kosakowo airport
Photos of aircraft and airforces details in Gdynia-Kosakowo airport. Jetfighters, fulcrum – Mig-29 jet.

Mig-29 fighter, wingart.

Mig-29 fighter, wheel.

Other plane.
Photos of aircraft and airforces details in Gdynia-Kosakowo airport. Jetfighters, fulcrum – Mig-29 jet.
Mig-29 fighter, wingart.
Mig-29 fighter, wheel.
Other plane.
Another food photographs, this time with chocolate, banana and coffee with whipped cream, chocolate too and brown sugar cubes. A very small porcelain cup makes it more cozy. Coffee seeds on the table make it a little bit messy, just like at home kitchen.
Another set of my food photographs. This time it’s blueberry dessert. The photographs are very simple, just some whipped cream or yoghurt in glass with blueberries on the top and decorative leaves of mint or melissa. Looks tasty and soft because of the light and wooden, grey boards.
Recently I have taken a lot of food photographs. Among others images of red drink, red tea, mulled wine or whatever it can pretend to be with red dried fruits. And also some photographs of strawberry dessert with whipped cream, but I preffer those images with anise and cinnamon.
Again photographs – portraits of Agata and again I wanted her to be sad, but while I was taking the second one she could finally smile gently.
My first nude photo session. Act photography isn’t so hard when the model is very skilled in posing and understands photographer like Magda below.
Photo session with model Agata – this time playing with her hair, making it fly all over her head to create dynamic effect.